“… As sure as eggs is eggs”

12th April 2024

“… As sure as eggs is eggs”

(found in a dictionary of slang published in 1699)

We made Countermark the way it is because we knew that manufacturers, food producers and packaging lines already know all about using Continuous Ink Jet Print (CIJP) – the two rows of distinctive dot-based characters – sometimes with a logo – like on these eggs.

A lot of software people like QR codes because they don’t have to do much work, readymade API’s, libraries and, thanks to the pandemic, people know to point their phone at one when they see one.  Software people are not worried about the risk of QR fraud, it is someone else’s problem.

None of this makes it easier for manufacturers and packaging companies – they already have the knowledge, maintenance processes, print vendors in place for CIJP.

And for food processors, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) has all been evaluated figured out – the inks in the picture are safe to eat.

Countermark (see the laser marked stainless steel inset) uses this proven format to store any data that you like about the product. Human and machine readable, encrypted and designed to avoid the fraud that comes with QR codes.

As for the chickens – they couldn’t give a cluck


More information visit www.countermark.com