How hard is it to tell a malicious QR code from a safe QR code? (They look very similar)

20th September 2023


How hard is it to tell a malicious QR code from a safe QR code? (They look very similar)

There is advice from the FBI and Better Business Bureau, to look closely at the QR code, then decide before you scan – but probably you don’t want people to keep safe just on how things appear.

The reason I say that is people judge things differently.

Recently the UK police were called to a Yoga class relaxation session because a passing member of the public thought it was a mass killing.

So, if people have a problem distinguishing a mass killing from a Yoga class, basing their digital safety on how  a QR code appears compared to how they think a QR code should look is a bit risky.

We developed Countermark to reliably and securely attach data to physical objects, so far including beef, locks, metal plate and tubes, fish, car parts, electrical components, 3D printed prototypes, paper and PDF training certificates.

Countermarking these items gives you full traceability and protects against counterfeiting and grey market diversion, and it doesn’t expose your customers to QR based fraud.

So, if you are developing a system, and you want to keep the system users safe from QR fraud check our website (


Article credit to Catherine Lough


Picture credit to the Telegraph