The FBI agrees with Wessex Tech – You CANNOT trust QR codes

22nd January 2022

QR code scanning

Regular readers will know my view on QR codes, the FBI have just published an advisory on the issue highlighting familiar points already made by me on this platform.


The recommendations made in the article will break business models – the outfits with custom QR apps now have a situation where the FBI discourage people downloading custom QR code readers.

The logical next step for Apple and Google to keep their users safe would be to block 3rd party QR readers from their platforms.

People in the corporate insurance business will have to consider if QR protected systems are insurable risks now the FBI have published this advice.


Countermark was designed from the ground up to avoid the issues highlighted by the FBI in the advisory.

If you want to know more about Countermark contact me via LinkedIn to set up a call or via our contact us link.

There is an alternative to QR codes.